News & Updates

“There’s a healthy tension between the willingness to remain open-minded and the urge to stick to your own ideas and to convince the others. Both are needed to obtain success, build bridges, solve problems or move projects forward.”

Recent news and activities

August 2019

RySG Public Comment drafting

The gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG) continues the cooperation with Wim Degezelle to support RySG members with drafting ICANN public comments. Public comments are an important mechanism to provide input in the ICANN Multi-stakeholder model. [RySG comments can be found here]

August 2019

“Domain name registries and online content” in Portuguese, Spanish, Russian and Serbian

The paper developed by the CENTR task force on content with the support of Wim Degezelle as consultant has been translated in Portuguese, Spanish, Russian and Serbian. Great to see the broad interest in the paper!! [download the different language versions on the CENTR website]

June 2019


The United Nations Departement of Economic and Social Affairs (UN DESA) selected Wim Degezelle to support the IGF2019 BPF Cybersecurity and BPF IoT, Big Data, AI. BPFs – Best Practice Forums – are open forums to discuss with stakeholders experiences and best practices pertaining to actual internet governance policy questions. BPFs will present their draft report at the IGF annual meeting in November in Berlin.

January 2019

CENTR publishes “Domain name registries and online content”

CENTR the European ccTLD organisation published an informative paper to shed light on the role of a ccTLD registry operator and to set expectations right on what they can and cannot do when it comes to illegal content online. Wim Degezelle facilitated the discussions of the CENTR Task Force on content and served as penholder for the paper.  Thank you to all TF members for the great cooperation!   [download the paper]

December 2018

Agreement on new rules for the .eu top level domain

The European Parliament, the Council and the European Commission reached an agreement on the new rules for the .eu TLD (more info). The European Commission worked with Wim Degezelle in the process that led to this new legislation, amongst other to hold a public consultation on the evaluation and revision of the old .eu legal framework . [The Summary report of the public consultation can be found here.]

November 2018

IGF 2018 Paris

At the annual meeting of the global Internet Governance Forum (IGF) in Paris the different Best Practice Forums (BPFs) presented their draft Reports, the outcome of their work in the months ahead of the meeting. Wim Degezelle was assigned by UN DESA (United Nations Departement of Economic and Social Affairs) to the IGF Secretariat to support the work of the BPF Cybersecurity, the BPF on Local Content and the BPF on IoT, Big Data, AI. Thank you to all contributors to the BPF work !!

Activities Archive

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) / Internet Governance Forum (IGF)
Consultant Best Practice Forum on IoT, Big Data and AI (IGF 2018/IGF 2019)
Consultant Best Practice Forum on Cybersecurity (IGF 2017/IGF 2018/IGF 2019)
Consultant Best Practice Forum on Local Content (IGF 2017/IGF 2018)
Consultant Best Practice Forum on IPv6 (IGF 2015, IGF 2016)
Consultant Best Practice Forum on Internet Exchange Points (IXPs) (IGF 2015, IGF 2016)

gTLD Registries Stakeholder Group (RySG)
ICANN public comments support

Council of European National Top Level Domain Registries, CENTR
CENTR Task Force on the registries’ relation to content

European Commission, Directorate-General for Communication Networks Content and Technology
The .eu REFIT consultation process (report)
GDPR awareness (report)

The Internet Society (ISOC)
IXP Best Practices – phase II

The Latin American and Caribbean TLD Association (LACTLD)
The Commercial development of ccTLDs in the LAC region (report)

Island Networks
Registrar relations and communication, survey and mapping.